Website Credits
Art Credit:
CABS Logo – Jerraldine Masten Hansen
Welcome Page:
- Kodiak Greenwood (masthead)
- Photo Strip Left to Right
- Big Sur Park School
- Michelle Magdalena (Big Sur Fashion Show)
- Kate Novoa (Condors, Highway 1)
- Lisa Kleissner (Big Sur West Horizon footer)
Who We Are:
- Patte Kronlund (Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge)
- Noel Walling (Protest)
- Weston Call (Love Big Sur)
- Magnus Toren (Henry Miller Memorial Library)
- Photo Strip Left to Right
- Big Sur InternationalMarathon (photo strip left)
- Kate Novoa (Esalen)
- Big Sur Fire (Dan Gearhart)
- Big Sur Stage Kids!
What We Do:
- Kate Novoa (Basin Complex Fire 2008)
- Kodiak Greenwood (Soberanes Fire)
- Weston Call (Sycamore Canyon Shuttle)
- Patte Kronlund (CABS Donor Thank You Letters)
- Photo Strip Left to Right
- Gabe Case (Case Family Home Re-build)
- Kate Novoa (Pfeiffer Ridge Fire 2013)
- DMT Imaging (Mud Creek Landslide 2017)
- Kodiak Greenwood (Basin Complex Fire 2013)
CABS Board & Calendar :
- Evynn LeValley (Big Sur Grange masthead)
Community Resources:
- Big Sur Park School (masthead)
- Lisa Krieger (Bixby Bridge masthead)
- Kodiak Greenwood (Rocky Creek Bridge)
- Butch Kronlund (Bixby Bridge)
- Weston Call (Sycamore Canyon Shuttle)
- Honey Williams (CCT Big Sur Section Meeting)
- Butch Kronlund (Emergency Svcs 2017 Road Closure)
- Patte Kronlund (Naval Facility Point Sur)
- Patte Kronlund (Light House Flats masthead)
- Photo Strip Left to Right
- Logan Norton (Big Sur Fashion Show)
- Henry Miller Memorial Library
- Kodiak Greenwood (Basin Complex Fire 2008)
- Big Sur Stage Kids!
- Lisa Kleissner (Garrapata Beach masthead)
- Jerraldine Masten Hansen (logo)
- Debi Lorenc (Upper Rocky Creek Community & Road)
PO Box 59 Big Sur,
CA 93920