Big Sur Pledge
Big Sur needs your help.
The recent increase in the number of visitors is challenging the safety and wellbeing of residents, visitors and the fragile natural environment. All of us can make a positive difference to protect and nurture Big Sur. Help us by taking and activating the Big Sur Pledge.
The Pledge

Photo Credit Lisa Kleissner
Share our coastal roads in a safe manner.
Be mindful of the impact of my actions.

Photo Credit Lisa Kleissner

Photo Credit Daniel Bianchetta
Protect and respect Big Sur’s natural resources, public and private property, residents, employees, and visitors.
Leave no trace and not damage or take what is not mine.

Photo Credit Lisa Kleissner

Photo Credit Big Sur Campground
Camp only where allowed.
Be vigilant and fire safe.

Photo Credit Lisa Kleissner

Photo Credit Lisa Kleissner
Be a steward of this precious resource for the enjoyment of all.
Honor the spirit of Big Sur as it honors me.

Photo Credit Tim Huntington

(Sold at Henry Miller Library, Big Sur Lodge, Treebones Resort)